Three Ways To Keep Snow And Ice Off Your Commercial Steps In Winter
If you're like many business owners, the safety of your employees, customers, and anyone else who has a reason to come to your business is one of your top priorities. If you live in an area where seasonal snow and ice is a part of the picture, you may struggle with keeping slick spots off your outer steps during part of the year. Fortunately, strategies exist designed to minimize the chances of slip-and-fall mishaps dues to adverse weather conditions on your commercial steps. Following, are three things that you can do to help keep slippery spots caused by snow and ice from posing a safety hazard on your steps.
Hire a Snow and Ice Removal Service
Hiring a snow and ice removal service ensures that someone is there on a regular basis to keep your steps as free of slippery steps as possible. However, keep in mind that these services usually remove snow and ice the first thing in the morning and don't return to do the job again until the next day, so you'll still at risk for slip-and-fall accidents occurring as the result of snow and ice accumulation during the course of the day, so you might find yourself wielding a snow shovel or ice scraper off and on throughout the day.
Eliminate Shady Spots
Shady spots on your steps pose slip-and-fall safety hazards in two different ways. They cut down significantly on visibility, so those using the steps might not be able to see slick spots before it's too late. Shade also keeps surface temperatures down, causing slick areas to stick around longer than if they were exposed to sunlight. Keeping shrubbery trimmed back so it doesn't cast unnecessary shade helps prevent this from happening. It's also a good idea to avoid planting any trees that will cast significant shade as they grow larger.
Have Heated Steps Installed
Heated steps help ensure that your commercial steps are free of ice and snow at all times. They also eliminate the need for manual removal of snow and ice and provide a consistently welcoming, safe walking surface for anyone who needs or wants to access your business, including employees, customers, and delivery personnel. Heated steps work by using radiant heat, which zaps snow and ice completely before it even has the chance to create a slip and fall accident. As an added bonus, radiant heat promotes evaporation, and this will help your steps dry out quickly after it rains or snows.
For more information on commercial heated steps and other methods of snow and ice removal, reach out to a local contractor.