Tracy Meyer

3 Useful Tips When Choosing The Perfect Office Desk For Work

23 July 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you have your own office at work, the desk that you'll be seated near is important to consider. There are many great options today, but to help you with this important purchase, you should strongly consider these tips.  1. Make Sure Ample Storage is Provided Nothing is worse than having clutter on a desk. It can get so bad that your effectiveness at work is actually hindered -- which then hurts your company's bottom line. Read More …

About Me
Tips For Businesses

Although I have never owned my own company, one thing has become clear to me over the years; businesses have a lot to work on. I started realizing that there were some serious issues with different businesses and the models they used to start things up, and it was really interesting to see how many different ideas I came up with. For instance, wouldn't it be nice if all restaurants had a way to open the bathroom door without touching the handle? My blog centers around business concepts just like this, since a few simple ideas could make a business even better.
